Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Yesterday I was feeling quite sore so today I did Dance the Chakras, the whole hour. Yay! Another hour long workout! Woohoo! I'm a little bummed how much worse I am at it since last time I did it but I was probably 35 lbs. lighter then. Be where you are. This is all I need to focus on. Not where I've been, but just being the best current-me I can be.

It's noon and I've got workout, shower and both sets of Qs done, so that's good.

Yesterday I felt like very tired from about an hour after I ate at 11am or so (2 omega eggs). I'd slept plenty and CC5 should've been energizing (ditto the eggs), so I'm guessing my body was saying 'enough with back to full bore mode, let me heal!' If today I hit an energy wall again, I think tomorrow I'll do something very light like Beginners & Beyond or the weights from LIS.

I really wanted alcohol last night but I didn't imbibe. I also steered clear of the cookies. I did eat mostly healthy, but I'm not sure about those addictive Costco blue cheese burgers. It's low carb, at least, and I eat each one with a tomatoe.

I should try to note any changes in my irritability. Yesterday was not so good. Hm. Might've been the tiredness.

New rice cooker comes today! Woohoo!

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